Q4 Market Update Australian Business Sales Market

The final quarter for the 2022 financial year has well and truly passed, and this week’s blog discusses what was trending in Q4 and what’s not.  As Benchmark has provided the data, they have labeled the quarter against the calendar year, so look out for Q2 2022 in the link below. A couple of points […]

How To Value Your Business

When determining the value of your business, there are several methods we can use, including capitalisation of earnings, net tangible asset, cost to create, industry methods and ROI. However, most small to medium businesses apply the capitalisation of earnings method. If this method produces a smaller value than what the assets in the business are […]

What Is Goodwill in Business? And Why It Can Harm The Sale Of Your Business.

“I never advertise, and we’re always busy”. I hear this a lot from business owners when discussing their business and its value on the market. Unfortunately, this reputation results in a much lower market value of their business when it comes time to sell. Because when the owner leaves, so does the goodwill. The term […]

The Best Business Brokers for Small Business

Best Business Brokers for Small Business

There are thousands of business brokers for small businesses across Australia that all claim to do the same thing better than the others.  That is; to sell your small business.   The good ones will tell you what it’s worth, the other ones will tell you what you want to hear in order to sign you […]

3 Key Considerations When Choosing the Right Business Broker.

business broker

Business brokers. Who are they, what do they do and how to find the right one?  Unfortunately, people aren’t as clear about the role of business brokers as they are to other broker agents despite there being thousands across the country.   In essence, business brokers usually act as selling agents for business sales. Just in […]

5 Top Business Brokers On The Gold Coast

Finding The Right Business Broker This article has been written to help you find the best business broker on the Gold Coast so they can sell your business at the highest price. I have provided an overview of some of the top business brokers on the Gold Coast. Some of the reviews are more detailed […]

What are the Business Broker Fees when I sell my business?

business broker fees

“How much do you charge? Or, what are your business broker fees?” are common questions every broker receives and it’s the one question a good broker can’t possibly answer until they understand the business that they are selling.   Would you be comfortable getting quotes from a builder to build your house without them having any […]